Love, what I know so far

Many great minds throughout the ages have helped contribute towards our understanding of what love really is. As well as this, every individual has had their own thoughts about what love really is through their own experiences.

We have created divisions and boundaries between different forms of love, for example the love we have for animals and nature is different from the love we share with intimate partners, and this love is different yet to the love we hold for our friends or children. We have created categories of love for different aspects of our lives.

Some people even claim that they have killed others and sent people to war out of love but just what is love. Love is an emotion that we can choose to emit or withhold to/from others and each individual has the right to control how they love and what they love.

I know already that love can be experienced as pain, this can happen when we love someone that much but receive no love from them. The reason this kind of love can be experienced as pain is because we attach the need of our own love to someone or something. Nearly all of us have experienced loving and wanting to be with someone deeply who does not feel the same way about us. It may very well be that they do love you but do not choose or feel attracted towards sharing the kind of love you expect them to show you. It is the expectation, need or want of another’s love that creates the illusion of this pain.

The illusion of this pain is ended when one realises that we do not need to be loved by another in any way we may expect to be loved by another. We do not need to be loved in order to experience love. In fact, the truest and most complete love I have personally ever experienced is the love I feel within. When I express and feel my own love for life I feel true love and this love can never end as long as I cultivate, feel and express my love and gratitude for the life I have.

To fully embody the vibration of love we must let go fully of any idea that we need to be loved by another to experience the love we wish. The very feeling that is created by holding on to the idea of needing to be loved can create nothing but pain and suffering. One must be the source of one’s own love in order to experience love at the highest level.

Ultimately, this pain will help us realise our own love and the truth of its nature, so nothing is ever lost when learning occurs and everything is gain. On the path of true love, the only love you ever need is your own love and one must stop lying to oneself about how difficult this really is because it is made to be the easiest thing to do.

Each person reading this has an abundance of things to be grateful for in life and gratitude is one of the deepest and truest vibrations of love. The very fact that we are alive, have access to clean water and food, have access to the internet, have the abilities that are necessary to create joy in others, to bring hope to the future and to live as freely as we choose to live is enough to feel grateful and loving for the life we have. OK, it is easy for anyone to count how many problems still exist but this should be transformed, we all have problems or issues, but the reality is, by focussing on any single problem we cut off our own love and appreciation for the life we have, which can only create more pain and suffering.

There are so many people out there doing what they believe is the right thing to do, but they are fighting against problems, they try and fight the negative effects of rapid development with negative effects created through anger, hate and fear. Of course it is everyone’s right to act how they feel most inclined to act and everything happens for a reason and I am not knocking anyone’s efforts whilst they “try” and do the right thing. When one focusses on the positive and decides to create a cause that will grow into something beneficial without having to fight anything this will create a positive effect. Most people do not realise that their thoughts, words and actions are at the effect of something else; people’s thoughts, words and actions are often a reaction to an external stimuli.

When you are successfully able to create without being influenced fully by external stimuli you are actually creating something original and worthy. You create a cause which will have an effect. You cannot ever change an effect by reacting in a way that is attached to the very same effect that created what you are fighting against. The only way to change an effect is by originating a detached cause that aims to create a ripple effect, one that fulfils itself.

If you want to live in a peaceful and loving world you cannot create this by fighting against something with anger, hatred and fear in your heart. Now this may seem very obvious but for the most part, it seems like such a difficult thing for the majority of people to do. People who cannot let go of the past, who cannot forgive, who cannot forget and even those who feel rightly justified to be angry can never experience or create a world of peace and love. These people are bound, by their own choices, which they are fully rightful to possess, will always live in the very turmoil they will to defeat, in fact it is even worse, they feed the very hate they wish to destroy and it is a very counterproductive way of creating peace.

Peace is a kind of love yet it has different characteristics. Much like love, peace must be firstly cultivated within and cannot be experienced in the objective or external realms until a sufficient amount has been experienced subjectively and internally. Peace can be experienced within through choosing to experience it within, as with love. It really is so simple and straight forward. The only reason it seems difficult to begin with is because our minds have not been conditioned to accept this simple truth and all its power.

The idea that peace, love, harmony and freedom is difficult to achieve is a virus to the human mind and it contaminates the majority of human kind. The process that has been termed as “awakening” is the process of breaking free from the confines of our conditioned mind (see this article: Breaking free). As we awaken from the nightmare of pain and suffering we can begin to consciously create a true cause with true power that will shine through us.

The illusion that people are powerless is a well held onto illusion; people love to hold the illusion of being powerless to create change close to their heart. People often seek the affirmation of others and affirm others of the belief that we are powerless. This could not be further from the truth. There are now more than enough awakened souls throughout the world who dedicate their lives towards aiding others in the process of awakening which is no easy feat, it takes dedication to awaken others to the very light that blinds them. It is however a process and it cannot be forced, it is force itself and it penetrates deeper into the mind than what most are conscious of in the 10% of their brains that they actually use themselves. The awakening process teaches others how to expand their consciousness beyond their previous limits and boundaries. The awakening process cannot be taught, it must be felt and experienced.

Awakened souls are intense, bold and courageous beacons of light that many are blinded by to begin with but their wisdom sinks in as it integrates over a period of time. Awakened souls could also be referred to as enlighteners or illuminators. They enlighten and illuminate the consciousness of all things around them and they are very aware that it was their choice to do this. Illuminators do not need the love of anything, all they need to do is abundantly shine their light without judgement, they love their enemies, they love their environment, they love the here and now, they love to the core and their love grows as their capacities to influence others more easily increases; they too are aware that they are also still awakening to their full potential.

So, as you may have now guessed, it is time to let go of any fears of injustice, fear is detrimental. It is so easy to switch from fear to love, if only we just “try”. Most people claim to “try” but they know and everyone else knows that they are lying to themselves and others. Most people do not realise that truly trying can be as easy as lying down and forgetting everything that you are doing, consciously relax your body and consciously mentally let go, then all that you need to do is imagine love shining through your heart, getting brighter with each breath. Even send love to the ones that you fear, hate or feel anger towards, just try, what have you really got to lose? If you can do this once, for at least 5 minutes, you will soon realise that you have altered the entire path of your life and that you are at the beginning of something truly awesome and transformative. You will have shown yourself and the universe that you are willing to try and be the cause of a loving world. The universe will respond to your efforts and provide you with more moments to expand your love.

When the universe begins to provide these opportunities people may not be aware that the situations are there to help them. For example, if you want to be a full embodiment of love your love will need to grow, in order for your love to grow you may face difficult situations that are hard to feel love in or towards. This is normal and everyone experiences this challenge at the beginning so there is nothing to worry about, just relax again and shine your light. These challenges are the very stepping stones that will allow your love to grow far, far, far beyond anything you have ever experienced or imagined possible to experience.


So what are you waiting on? Do you not think NOW, would be the perfect opportunity to create a more loving world? Really, NOW is the perfect time, drop everything, let go and show the universe you are ready to try, the very fact that you are here reading this is a clear enough sign that you are ready to begin, yes, now, the time is now, you are ready, you are ready to transform your life beyond the wildest limits of your old mind. Not only this, you are ready to walk the path of global transformation, you are ready to grow into the beacon that will awaken others, after all it is not all about you, but it certainly begins with you.


May peace be with you, may love be with you and may you find your own true and glorious power that will allows you to excel beyond all limits.





The clear blue waters of Freedom await you, all you need to do is take the first step.