Creative Flexibility

For me, the term “Creative Flexibility” refers to the ability to be flexible in a creative manner. Being open to remain flexible can be one of the most valuable acts or decisions one can embody whilst in the pursuit of ultimate freedom, happiness and peace. The fulfillment of true and lasting freedom, happiness and peace should be at the top of everyones main agenda in life; no matter what work you wish to perform or what you want to do in your life; freedom, happiness and peace, is something that we all share in our hearts desire.

Creative flexibility allows one to pursue the goal of freedom, happiness and peace within your desired arena, without being attached to a particular path towards this goal. The significance of what this really implies is monumental. As we pursue all of our main goals in life it is common that we encounter challenges. We all have the choice to either let these challenges rule us, our feelings, our emotions and our actions in a negative manner or we can see them as opportunities for growth in our strengths, abilities, wisdom and experience.

The way we may expect to reach our goals can be quite different from what we hoped or desired, but this is where creative flexibility comes into play at its greatest strength. It is our beliefs, expectations and perceptions that determines how we go about pursuing our ideal. Most people have a set of rigid beliefs, expectations and perceptions which are truly limiting, they can be our worst enemy whilst trying to live our dream life. When we remain open and flexible in our mode of creativity, we will find that changing our beliefs, expectations and perceptions as often as we need can save us from a lot of unnecessary suffering. For example, we can choose to always follow our hearts, and I personally believe this to be the best way, but we must take our minds with us because we need to be able to think about what we truly want and where we want to be. From following my heart I have learned that what I thought I wanted to start with was not what I truly wanted and to come to these conclusions I had to be flexible with what I believed in.

Getting into a habit of decisive thought, speech and action can be a great servant to us, especially if we have learned to consciously change our beliefs, expectations and perceptions. It serves us in our growth towards fully embodying our ultimate dream and vision. We must be open to change our path and direction whilst we actually live our dream because this is a great practice of freedom. To be free we must act free, and to act free we must express and experience our own freedom in every choice we make.

The path which holds the greatest learning and growth is not an easy path to follow, whether we want to be or learn how to become any kind of artist, business person, spiritual leader or any other role in which one can desire to experience. With a better understanding of what creative flexibility is then we can change our beliefs at any moment when they have served their purpose and fulfilled their duties, holding on to certain beliefs for too long can be detrimental to anyones growth, it will lead one to become stagnant at times whilst fighting a constant battle, all just to remain in the same place whilst wondering why we have not moved forward or achieved what we wanted to achieve. The ability to creatively seek new beliefs that will serve us in the next step of our evolution towards reaching our highest desires, will begin to make complete sense. Letting go of old beliefs can be extremely difficult to begin with, especially if you associate them with the only successes we have experienced so far. But, as with all things, the practice of creative flexibility becomes easier and easier. It is a great principle for success; flexibility in our perceptions and beliefs has immeasurable value, literally.

Having said all this I have come to my final point. What one will find as they let go of old beliefs and perceptions is this, they do not completely disappear, much rather, they have become fulfilled. What this really means is this, you are now open to enhance, build upon, deepen and intensify your perceptions.  This is especially true when you already know what your goals, desires and wishes are, and you are already on the path of achieving these. The only case that this will be different, is in the case that you are just setting out and your old beliefs and perceptions have stopped, blocked or denied you of making any progress. In this case your old beliefs will begin to melt away completely as you constructively build new perceptions and beliefs that will allow you to succeed on your desired path.  Just to make this clear once more, if you are already well on your way, your perceptions and beliefs will become fulfilled, enhanced, deepened, heightened and intensified, and with the use of creative flexibility, there is no limit to how far your fulfillment will stretch, or how much your perceptions will enhance, deepen, heighten or intensify, just think about that for a moment, this has significant implications. If however, you are at the beginning, old beliefs will be deconstructed as you move forward and find more confidence, truth and faith in your new beliefs.



I think there for I create



I think there for I create.


This piece of writing is connected to an experience I had as well as an expert from my second book “Dream Pilgrim” which will be published here along with some other experimental posts.


There are two truths that are but two sides of the same coin, both must be seen in order for any measure of truth to be understood.


One side of the truth can be described as uncomfortable and the other can be seen as nothing less than comforting bliss. In between is but a limbo.


Each one of us must face each side of this coin to understand our own life. It is easy to deny each side of its own value and purpose. For the purpose of my own understanding I refer to one side of this coin as the dark side and the other as the light side.


It makes sense and brings greater value to our own merit to be exposed to the dark side of this coin firstly and experience it as a truth, although we will be equipped with what we need from previous and inspiring experiences. We experience discomfort, suffering, pain, anger and hate when our gaze meets the dark side of the coin, many of us make it no further than this truth. The truth of the dark side tells us and leads us to believe that we are each insignificant waste products of the universe with no real function other than being able to accept our own pitiful and helpless selves as nothing more than a bag of cosmic scum growing on the faeces left behind by a superior being. We tend to fall down a hole of despair in knowing and accepting this truth, we are helpless and powerless as we are thrown around in this tapestry of hierarchy; we turn against each other and all meaning to our life is lost as we learn to look out for our own, we protect ourselves at the cost of all else. This is a sad existence and our judgment lays in the wind far away from the self-critical; we are justified in our own idea of ruling ourselves in a manner that is detached from love, for love is an illusion and holds no value other than being a comforting lie within knowing the truth of the dark side.


Only those with faith in something greater, only those with love for all things can begin to fix our gaze upon the light side of the coin as it revolves, we catch a glint of light in our darkest hour and our faith serves us in the highest way possible; faith is a faculty of mind that we can use or lose, if we don’t use it we will lose it.


Life is a fascinatingly weird and wonderful adventure and there is no way of really telling what lurks around the corner. Sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by light and the universe supports my every move to create more love and light in the world, at times I even feel like there is a huge conspiracy acting in my favour whilst protecting me as I travel into unknown territories; as I follow my heart the right people always appear to guide me safely into and through salvation. Having said this I also experience times where I feel like I have just been living one big lie and that some kind of advanced intelligence has tricked me and took an almighty dump on my face, humiliation follows. In each case I let go completely and accept what is real in the moment.


Increasingly I have learned to never fear a single thing; I do not fear being nothing, I do not fear living in a world of hate and materialism, no longer do I fear living my life to the fullest, in every case I allow myself to act from a place that is not driven by fear. I especially do not fear showing my love towards others; even those who stand against me, those who may be considered my enemies are equal to all else in my eyes. I do not fear the end, I do not fear the now and I certainly do not fear the past. The darker episodes of my life are becoming but fleeting glimpses of the nothingness in which they pose to promote. The illusions that are cast upon me are but reflections of a false reality that can seem realer than waking life itself, they are but a nightmare and at any moment I can choose to awake.


My faith in a better world increases as all my fears dissolve. This dream in which my heart holds dearly will live on far longer than my own body and whether or not my body plays a role in its manifestation is insignificant when I know that each day I am living my highest vision and dream. I accept that everything I know could be a lie, I accept that every one of my efforts could be in vain, I accept that I may never be able to make a difference but I also accept that if I do not try my hardest to make every effort count towards embodying peace in this world that it is I who is to blame for there not being enough love in the world.


I can turn a blind eye to the injustices in the world and live in my own fairy tale where everything is pretentiously glorified and misinformed. I can also vainly fight the injustices, thinking and believing that I can make a difference whilst failing every time, I can fight the very fear, hate and anger I wish to rid this world of with my own hate and anger out of my own fear of future generations suffering greater than we are now. There is a line only the wise can draw and this is a line of detachment.


When we only love those who are suffering and not the ones causing the suffering we create and feed our own suffering. When we love all without judgement we create above and beyond our own love and when we create above and beyond our own love, we create with power. When we create with power we have influence over others, this influence gives others permission to do the same and this is true power.


In the end, everything could be nothing but an illusion. The power of love could well be an illusion; we may well be nothing but bags of meat with no souls who have been tricked into a false life; or the idea that we are nothing but bags of meat with no souls may be the illusion and we may well in fact be powerful beings with divine capabilities of creation. In either case we can be sure that what we choose to believe in is our choice, we do indeed have the faculties to believe in whatever we may and our beliefs are our choice and to both stand by our beliefs and change them when necessary is a symbol of power; we can find ourselves being very contradicting whilst being attached to detachment. If we always follow our heart we will realise that we may well be tricked and turned but when we are wise we hold no judgement and we grow stronger than we could have ever allowed ourselves to be.


It is true that a grateful person is grateful in all circumstances and each of us reading this will have had our fair share of profound bliss and profound sadness.


Once one realises that the dark side of the coin ultimately serves the light side of the coin we will come to understand that darkness is just hidden light, darkness is light in which we cannot yet see for it is still travelling towards us. When we understand that everything happens to grow our love from the inside out we will know something that is truer than ever. Although it can be talked about it cannot be taught in a way to be fully understood unless it has been experienced.